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2w ago

You’re misunderstanding “centuries of animosity between these two people” is not necessarily the case. They lived side by side in relative harmony for 100s of years before the state of Israel was formed. The state of Israel *is* exactly the reason a one state solution can not (no longer?) work. The government of Israel will never be able to treat Palestinians as people. Erase the Israeli state and only then do you have a chance at a once state solution - not going to happen.

Unless you travel to Israel/Palestine and see first hand the depths that the Israeli government goes to ensure that the two sides remain separated, check points, harassment, preventing Israelis from even crossing into the West Bank etc. you really can not understand the situation on the ground from watching the news or reading history. The division and animosity is by design. It has nothing to do with individuals or even ethnic/religious groups, but everything to do with politics.

(These are my honest first hand observations from living in Palestine for four years.)

See translation


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