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Michael Snoyman

2w ago

War has been used throughout history as a scary mechanism that requires centralization of power in the hands of the government. When war begins, propaganda efforts can terrify the populace into being willing to hand over control to their leaders, let them pass increasingly evil decrees, and seize control of industry (either confiscation of property or money printing).

The goal of the Powers That Be is to get the world into a state of perpetual Peace, where Peace is defined as "one world government is the only group that has an army." If anyone fights against that government, it's a "peacekeeping" operation. (You may notice that these terms have already come into practice.) This is the basic goal of the One World Government.

The question is: can we still get a blank check from the populace without actually having a war? That was the purpose of the Report from Iron Mountain. Per their analysis, they needed threats that were:

1. Economically wasteful
2. Represent a credible threat of great magnitude
3. Provide a logical excuse for compulsory service to the government

Importantly: these threats didn't need to be real. The populace just needed to accept them as real. Alien invasion was one proposal, and may explain why over the past many decades we always have "alien sightings" pop up: they're testing the waters. Another is environmental collapse, which is what _really_ caught my eye (global cooling, acid rain, hole in the ozone layer, global warming).

And it seems like "pandemic" is another one we can add to the list.

See translation


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